Rabu, 19 Maret 2014

The 7 labels of Dian Pelangi

Just a few weeks apart after her journey to 4 countries around the world, Dian Pelangi held one big series of event called Pelangi Ramadhan. The series of event was assembled in the duration of two days, 5-6 July 2013 in Skeeno Hall, Gandaria City, Jakarta. Carrying the same mission as last year, this event also brought Sisterhood, bazaar and meet and greet with Dian and guest blogger, Ascia AKF, a hijab fashion blogger from Kuwait.
The highlight at the end of the day was the Grand Fashion Show with 100 looks from all of Dian Pelangi’s line. This particular show was also a relaunch event for all of the brands under Dian Pelangi’s company and to remark the existence of Dian Pelangi brand that has been coloring  the Indonesian fashion industry for 22 years.
So, did you get the chance to come and witness the show or watch the livestream? Plenty of models, artists, and famous names were involved and walked the stage. Let’s go over each line, shall we?

1. DP by Dian
Casual, young, colorful, and acceptably affordable. From cotton, knitted, rayon, chiffon, ceruti, and other fabrics, this is what Dian Pelangi’s young customers most sought after. For this season, Sailorita theme seems to be the highlight of the collection.

2. Dian Pelangi (exclusive)
Dian Pelangi with the logo “DP” is a premium range product of Dian Pelangi. With silk, songket material, jumputan, batik, woven, or combination of those materials, Dian Pelangi (DP) created exclusively for attending or holding official events. In this show, Dian Pelangi label presented Ramadhan Rose, a one-piece look of silk abayas and long dress in white with a touch of soft tie-dye.

3. DMen
Since the beginning, Dian Pelangi has always cater male clothing, especially batik shirt. But DMen aims to reach wider segment for men clothing, particularly the younger crowd. So DMen label provides more casual, contemporary clothing for men with a touch of tie-dye, ikat, batik, or woven.

4. Dinda Pelangi
A brand without kids collection would never have been complete. Pretty much the same outline with DP by Dian, Dinda -derived from Dian’s little sister- offers casual clothing, mainly made of cotton, to boys and girls from the age of 5-12 years. Colorful tie-dyes devoted  for your little girls. What do you think?

5. DP Hajj
With the objective of a one-stop shopping for Muslim families, and of course, Dian’s constant need to be constantly preoccupied during the holy trip, DP Hajj was officially introduced. It’s quite necessary and also customary to wear mainly white during Umrah or Hajj pilgrimage.

6. Dian Pelangi Bride
For the needs of engagement ceremony or a wedding reception, Dian Pelangi Bride is your choice. With custom-made concept, the wedding dress can be designed according to customer’s specifications. They also provide wedding dresses, jewelries, as well as bridesmaids and family members’ uniform rentals.

7. Galeri Dian Pelangi
This is probably the first and the original line of Dian Pelangi, long before the novice daughter established into a distinguished designer and fashion Muslim icon. The preposition ‘Galeri’ was attached to differentiate the segment for these considerably mature, glam-ethnic, and design-advanced collection.

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